These three images are collages that represent my mind, my body, and my soul respectively. They are ‘self portraits’ of myself through the usage of various images that I believe represent aspects of my mind, body, and soul.
The ‘mind’ image represents both the good parts of my mind, such as my intelligence and creativity, as well as the negative aspects, such as how I am often disorganized and procrastinate. The ‘body’ image also represents both the good and bad of my body. The good is represented through my healthiness and cleanliness, while the bad is represented through my laziness. I also included neutral aspects of my body, such as my height. The ‘soul’ image is made up of images that represent my personality, such as my calmness and tendency to be happy, while also representing my more spiritual aspects, such as my faith in Christianity. I also included a reference to my status on the Autism spectrum, as I feel it is a big part of who I am, and I figured the ‘soul’ section was the place to put it. I created this work as part of a project for college. I expect my audience to understand me, and potentially relate to me depending on their own personal experiences. This current work relates in some aspects to my previous work for my Advanced Ideas and Concepts class, as some of the projects in that class also related to representing myself.
This project is a way for me to showcase what parts of myself I think are important to my mind, body, and soul. It is a way of expressing myself through images that I think relate to me. I show off both the positive and negative aspects of myself, so that those who view these images do not only learn about the positive part of me.
Process Book Index